The right knowledge, learned correctly, can be the most empowering and liberating tool. We provide year-round, web-deployed, and in-person customized seminars.
Business Coaching
Knowledge is awareness, coaching the application to each entrepreneur's individual situation.
Project Consulting
Every business needs to stay relevant and cool like an entrepreneur. We provide the project consulting needed to help you design, plan, and execute any business project.
Since 1993
The Entrepreneurship Journey: Our Calling
Entrepreneurship can be lonely at times. You have big dreams, but extremely tight deadlines.
Max Entrepreneurship is the solution for business owners and their companies that want to optimize their:
- Proven Principles: Build a foundation of knowledge, based on facts and proven solutions. Differentiate fact from myths in popular culture about Entrepreneurship.
- Strategic Planning: Design of realistic and executable business plans that transform your vision into an strategic viable strategies.
- Branding: Build unique ideas into a powerful brand through relationships.
- Systems: Implement administrative, financial, tax planning systems that help you automate with technology.
- Talent: Attract, develop and transform very unique and talented individuals into synergistic teams.
Your decision to contact us today can change the course of your life. From dreams into practical vision, mission, and action steps.